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今、全国の繊維産地には20代~30代の若い世代が入ってきています。 高齢化をたどる産地の技術や知恵を受け継ぎ、そして活性化していこうとする動きがあります。 これからの産地を担うその覚悟と、新しくしていこうとするエネルギーを、布から感じていただけるような展示会です。

It will be responsible for the future of Japan's textile production area and will be renewed.

It is an exhibition for textile designers working in Japanese textile production areas.

Younger generations in their 20s and 30s are entering the current textile production area in Japan. There is a movement to inherit and revitalize aging technology and wisdom. It is an exhibition to announce the design that will renew the Japanese textile production area in the future.


「産地ができる布と会社ができる企画を理解し、私たちなりの良いデザインに消化することで 産地の今を担い、新しい未来に繋げていくこと」 この展示会では、企業に所属する、「企画力」「デザイン力」「形にするための技術力」を持ったテキスタイルデザイナーが作る布を前面に出していきます。その力と魅力を認知させることで、 産地と企業とが対等かつ継続的な関係性を築けると考えます。




"We understand that the cloth that the production area can do and the design that the company can do, and connect it to the future by digesting it into a good design."

  At this exhibition, we will bring to the front textiles created by textile designers who belong to companies with "planning", "design" and "technology for shaping". By making them aware of their power and attractiveness, we believe that they can create equal and continuous relationships between production areas and companies.

By recognizing young people in the production area through this exhibition, I think that changes will occur in Japan's textile production areas and it will become stronger.

As a result, we will create a future where current young people can work in the production area even if they become 60s.



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